10 Tips to Remember Articles of Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exam 2023

 Reader's Digest - Are you struggling to memorize the numerous articles of the Indian Constitution for the judiciary exam? In this blog post, we'll unveil invaluable tips & tricks to help you remember the articles of the Indian Constitution effortlessly. Get ready to supercharge your preparation & ace your judiciary exam!

As we all know Indian Constitution is considered to be the world's lengthiest constitution. Most of you might be worrying about how I can memorize all the constitution articles for Judiciary preparation.

How to remember articles of the Indian constitution? What is the best trick to remember parts of the Constitution? How to know tricks to remember articles of the Indian constitution?  From where can I learn tricks to remember Parts of the Constitution?

Stay with us if all these are your queries while preparing for the judiciary exam. Well, what if we tell you there are some easy ways to remember all these articles to ace the Civil Judge exam in 2023? Here are some insightful tips and tricks for learning articles of the Indian Constitution.

Shhh...We are giving these top 10 score booster tips to 'YOU.' So, Why Late? Dig into the post to learn smart techniques to remember all the articles and schedules of the constitution for Judiciary preparation.

10 Tricks to Remember the Most Important Articles of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exams 2023 

Are you struggling to keep track of the most important articles of the Indian Constitution for your upcoming judiciary exams in 2023? Fret not! We've got you covered with these 10 effective tricks to help you easily remember those crucial articles.

Refer to the below-mentioned on how to remember articles of the Indian Constitution in under 10 minutes.

Trick 1: For remembering the Articles of the Constitution is " Lazy Elephants Jump Slowly And Sit Regularly."

= legislative.

= executive.

= judicial.

= states.

= amendment process.

= supremacy of constitution.

= ratification.

Trick 2 - Add 4 to all the subsequent articles related to Emergency Provisions.

For instance, 352+4= 356; 356+4=360

  • Article 352 – Proclamation of Emergency (National Emergency)
  • Article 356 – State Emergency (President’s Rule)
  • Article 360 – Financial Emergency

Trick 3 - Add 90 to the following articles from the Centre and their counterpart articles in the States.

For instance, 112+90=202; 113+90=203; 114+90=204; 115+90=205; 116+90=206, and so on.
Articles for the Centre are as follows:-

  • Article 112: Annual Financial Statement for Union
  • Article 113: Procedure in Parliament with respect to estimates
  • Article 114: Appropriation Bills Article 115: Supplementary, additional, or excess grants
  • Article 116: Votes on account, votes of credit, and exceptional grants
  • Article 117: Special Provisions as to Financial Bills
  • Article 118: Rules of procedure

Corresponding Articles for States are as follows.

  • Article 202: Annual financial statement for State
  • Article 203: Procedure in Legislature with Respect to Estimates
  • Article 204: Appropriation Bills Article 205: Supplementary, additional, or excess grants
  • Article 206: Votes on account, votes of credit, and exceptional grants
  • Article 207: Special Provisions as to Financial Bills
  • Article 208: Rules of procedure

Trick 4 - Remember the articles of the Center, and add 89 to their corresponding articles in the state. 

For instance, 72+89=161; 74+89=163; 75+89=164; 76+89=165, and so on.

Articles for the Centre are as follows:-

  • Article 72: Power of President to grant pardons, etc., and suspend, remit, or commute sentences in certain cases
  • Article 74: Council of Ministers to aid and advise President.
  • Article 75: Other Provisions as to Ministers
  • Article 76: Attorney General for India
  • Article 77: Conduct of business of the Government of India
  • Article 78: Duties of Prime Minister with respect to furnishing information to the President, etc.
  • Article 79: Constitution of Parliament
  • Article 85: Sessions of Parlia ment, prorogation and dissolu tion
  • Article 86: Right of President to address and send messages to Houses
  • Article 88: Rights of Ministers and Attorno

Corresponding Articles for States are as follows.

  • Article: 164: Other Provisions as to Ministers
  • Article 165: Advocate General for the State
  • Article 166: Conduct of Business of the Government of a State
  • Article 167: Duties of Chief Minister as respects furnishing information to Governor, etc.
  • Article 168: Constitution of Legislatures in States
  • Article 174: Sessions of the State Legislature, prorogation and dissolution
  • Article 175: Right of Governor to address and send messages to the House or Houses
  • Article 177: Rights of Ministers

Trick 5 - India has three union executives, including the President, Vice President, and the Union council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister. The best trick is to remember articles of the Indian constitution article to note the sequence of articles.

The pattern of the unit-digit numbers is 2,3,4. And the pattern of tens digit places is 5, 6, and 7, respectively. The articles are Article 52, article 63, and Article 74. Add 89 in 74; it will become 163, that is, the article of the state council of ministers headed by the chief minister. 

Trick 6 - Article 102 mentions the disqualification of members of parliament. If you add 89 to 102, it will result in 191. Article 191 talks about the disqualification of MLAs. In most cases, you can use 89 to learn articles of the Indian Constitution. 

Trick 7 - Mnemonics in the laws regarding fundamental rights. Let’s learn it through an example –

"Law removes all doubt,” the word law comes in Article 14,

D stands for discrimination

O stands for an opportunity in public employment

U stands for untouchability

T stands for titles.

Article 15 talks about no discrimination, article 16 says equal opportunity in public employment, article 17 stands for untouchability, and Article 18 says the abolition of titles. 

Here's a table listing techniques to remember the most important articles of the Indian Constitution for judiciary exams, along with corresponding examples:

AcronymsRemember Article 32 as "REMEDY" - Remedies for Enforcement of Fundamental Rights
MnemonicsAssociate Article 19 with "FREEDOM" - Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, assembly, etc.
VisualizationImagine Article 21 as "RIGHT to LIFE" - Right to Life and Personal Liberty
ChunkingGroup Articles 124, 136, and 141 as "SUPREME" - Supreme Court-related articles
AssociationConnect Article 226 with "WRITE" - Power of High Courts to issue writs
StorytellingCreate a story around Article 356 as "STATE of EMERGENCY" - Imposing President's Rule in States.
Mind MapsDraw a mind map with Article 12 as the central node, branching out to define "STATE"
FlashcardsCreate flashcards with Article numbers and brief descriptions for quick recall

Tips & Tricks to Remember the Parts of the Indian Constitution for Upcoming Judiciary Exams 2023

As said above, there are 25 parts of the Indian Constitution. Following are some of the simple mnemonics that can easily help you remember all the parts of the Constitution. Read the following mnemonic on how to remember parts of the Indian constitution.

Mnemonic 1: U Can Fly Directly From the US to UP to Meet the Child of Shyam and Ram; Fruits Taste Sweet To Eat, So Only Eat Maggi As Tasty Snack (to remember all 25 parts)

Mnemonic 2: Read From the Start to End Please (from part XI to part XVI)

Mnemonic 3: LEMATS (from part XVII to part XXII)

Tips & Tricks to Remember Schedules of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exams 2023

The journey of becoming a Civil Judge is although, a tough one. But, once you know how to prepare for the Judiciary exam, you are in no time ready to become a Civil Judge.

You can use the simple technique below to remember the 12 schedules of the Constitution.


T - Territories

E - Emoluments

A - Affirmations

R - Rajya Sabha

S - Scheduled Areas

O - Other Areas

F - Federal Structure

O - Official languages

L - land Reforms

D - Defection laws

P - Panchayat

M - Municipality

Mnemonic Devices:

Technique: Create memorable phrases or acronyms using the first letter of each schedule.

Example: "PETS FC with GST" can represent the schedules: P (First Schedule), E (Second Schedule), T (Third Schedule), S (Fourth Schedule), FC (Fifth Schedule), and GST (Goods and Services Tax - Sixth Schedule).

Visual Associations:

Technique: Associate each schedule with a vivid mental image or visual representation.

Example: Imagine the First Schedule as a giant '1' symbol made of bricks, symbolizing the foundational nature of the schedule in the Constitution.


Technique: Create a story that incorporates elements from each schedule.

Example: Imagine a story where the Second Schedule features a group of famous personalities organizing a talent show (representing salaries and allowances of public servants) that takes place on a stage described in the Third Schedule (representing forms of oaths and affirmations).


Technique: Group schedules into logical categories to simplify memorization.

Example: Divide the schedules into three categories: Administrative (First Schedule), Economic (Second and Third Schedules), and Special Provisions (Fourth to Twelfth Schedules).

Personal Connections:

Technique: Relate each schedule to something familiar or personally meaningful to you.

Example: If you are interested in environmental conservation, you can connect the Fifth Schedule (Protection of Tribal Areas) with your passion for preserving natural habitats.

Schedules of the Indian Constitution

There are 12 schedules in the Indian Constitution, which help categorize bureaucratic activity and government policy.

The following are the schedules of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exams:

  • 1st schedule: List of States and Union Territories and their Territories
  • 2nd Schedule: Allowances, privileges, Emoluments of the President, Governors, Supreme Court Judges, etc.
  • 3rd Schedule: Oaths and affirmations
  • 4th Schedule: Allocation of seats for State and Union Territories in the Rajya Sabha
  • 5th Schedule: Administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes
  • 6th Schedule: Administration of tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram
  • 7th Schedule: Federal Structure - deals with the three legislative lists: Union, State, Concurrent
  • 8th Schedule: 22 official languages
  • 9th Schedule: Land reforms and the abolition of the Zamindari system.
  • 10th Schedule: Provisions relating to disqualification of the members on the ground of Defection
  • 11th Schedule: Panchayats
  • 12th Schedule: Municipalities

How to Remember the Sources of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Preparation 2023?

In the vast sea of Judiciary syllabus, often, it is difficult to remember the essential articles, sections, and laws. 

The Indian Constitution is formed by considering the features of various countries of the Constitution, such as Australia, the US, the UK, Ireland, Japan, Canada, etc.

The following are some simple tricks that will help you remember the sources of the Indian Constitution easily.

Irish Constitution

To remember the Irish Constitution, you have to remember the following statement:

Ele's DP is NO. 1

  • Ele's - Election of the President 
  • DP - Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)
  • No. 1 - Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha

UK Constitution (British)

To remember the features of the British Constitution, you can remember the following two statements:

Parle Bi-SCuit

  • Pa - Parliamentary government
  • R - The rule of law
  • Le- Legislative Procedure
  • Bi - Bicameralism
  • Si - Single Citizenship

Sin Bi is a Complex Law

  • Sin - Single Citizensship
  • Bi - Bicameralism
  • Comp - Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)
  • Law - Legislative Procedure Law Making Procedure 
  • Writs

US Constitution

The following is the statement to remember the features of the US Constitution.

President Needs Fund for Removal of Present Vice-President & Judges in the USA

  • President - President of India
  • Fund - Fundamental Rights
  • Removal - Impeachment of the President, Removal of Supreme Court & High Court Judges
  • PREsent - PREamble
  • Vice-president - Post of Vice-president
  • Judges - Independence of judiciary, Judicial review, 

Canada Constitution

The following is a simple statement to remember the features of the Canadian Constitution.

Can I Know Feds Address

  • Can - Canada
  • Feds - Federation with a strong centre
  • Add - Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
  • Ress - Residuary power to the Centre

Most Important Articles of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exams 2023

Legal luminaries made Indian Constitution. So, it is a bulky document with many technicalities. Reading and remembering all the articles is not a smart trick. Focus on the important article, and you may skip the rest. 

Are you interested in knowing our Constitution's most important articles that can help improve your score in the Judicial Services Examination? The table shows just 15 Articles of the Indian Constitution for the Judiciary Exam. For the full table, read Important Articles of the Indian Constitution for Judiciary Exams:

Article 12Definition of "State"
Article 14Right to Equality
Article 19Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, assembly, etc.
Article 21Right to Life and Personal Liberty
Article 32Remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rights
Article 44Uniform Civil Code
Article 50Separation of Judiciary from Executive
Article 72Power of the President to grant pardons, reprieves, etc.
Article 124Establishment and composition of the Supreme Court
Article 136Special leave to appeal by the Supreme Court
Article 141Law declared by the Supreme Court to be binding on all courts
Article 226Power of High Courts to issue writs
Article 243Panchayats
Article 280Finance Commission
Article 356Imposition of President's Rule in States


In conclusion, mastering the articles of the Indian Constitution for judiciary exams requires effective memory techniques and dedicated practice. Here are the major takeaways to help you succeed:

  • Acronyms and mnemonics can aid in remembering the order and names of the articles.
  • Visualization and storytelling techniques make the content more engaging and memorable.
  • Mind maps and flashcards provide visual cues for recall.
  • Chunking articles into themes or categories aids in organization and comprehension.
  • Rhymes and keyword associations create mental hooks for easier retrieval.
  • Interleaving studying different articles helps reinforce memory.
  • Regular practice and repetition are crucial for long-term retention.

By applying these tips and personalizing your study approach, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the Indian Constitution and excel in your judiciary exams. Best of luck on your journey to success!

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